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  • Nigeria

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The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and related government measures is having great impact in Nigeria. Since 27 February 2020 when the Federal Ministry of Health confirmed Nigeria’s first case of COVID-19 in Lagos State, there have been fears as to what the spread of the pandemic could mean for vulnerable populations in the North East. Research from other contexts as well as Nigeria show the impact health crises can have on society. Indeed, the most significant short-, medium- and long-term impacts of the pandemic may lay beyond the health sphere, and be most stark when it comes to livelihoods, levels of violence against women and girls (VAWG), conflict dynamics, and social relations. COVID-19 and related government response affect people differently and magnify already high levels of inequality along age, class, disability, gender, income, and other lines. Girls and women are disproportionately affected due to gendered power relations and persistent and structural inequalities.

Sequel to the declaration of the COVID-19 a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020. the Nigerian government just like other governments over the world have instituted wide-ranging measures to curb the spread of the disease. Some of these measures include among others: travel restrictions, night-time curfews, the banning of large gatherings, observance of proper hygiene, use of face masks and social distancing. These measures had swift and dramatic social and economic consequences for all sectors of society, including civil society organizations (CSOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs).


The restriction on travels imposed by the government of Nigeria in March 2020 had a lot of implications on the livelihoods of many households. Some of the backlashes include loss of jobs and businesses, increased violence against women, among others When the travel restriction was eventually lifted in August 2020, households had to begin re-build their lives while adapting to the new normal in their lives. Furthermore, the CSOs had their fair share of the consequences of the pandemic which disrupted a lot of their activities and source of funding. As the number of new infections continue to drop and people begin to face the post COVID-19 life endeavors, it is imperative to commission a research to know how households and/or organizations most especially the CSOs are emerging from the shock of Covid-19 pandemic.

Scope of the consultancy:

The consultancy is expected to cover issues around emerging economic opportunities and entrepreneurial activities, and gender-based violence (GBV) including domestic abuse in households and funding and activities of CSOs.


The assignment will involve site visits to some Adamawa, Taraba and the FCT where Oxfam projects are present. The documentation will involve situational analysis, key informant interviews with data collected from both secondary (if any) and/or primary sources.


i. Two 2-5 pager reports, case studies and

ii. Short video clips (10 minutes max)

Qualifications and competencies required:

The interested media consultancy firm should meet the following requirements:

Hold at least an M.Sc. degree mass communication, public administration, rural sociology and other social sciences with not less than years experience;
Have track record of working NGO and/or inter-governmental and multi-lateral organizations;
Experience personnel to carry out the research in rural and urban communities
Experience of working in Northern Nigeria
National media consulting firm
Application process

Applicants who meet the above requirement and wishing to submit a proposal should submit information including:

i. Proposed technical proposal (with details of all the approaches to be used in selecting respondents, field work, analysis and reporting writing).

ii. Financial proposal (as a separate document from the technical proposal) inclusive of all logistics

iii. The level of efforts required for personnel involved.

iv. CV and/or company details demonstrating relevant experience and skills including previous experience in producing documentaries.

v. Experience in the area of research and video documentary, and at least one relevant sample of less than 5 minutes video documentary.

vi. Name and contact details for at least two referees.

Consultancy duration:

The consultancy will be for a period of two and half months.
How to apply

Interested and qualified consultants are expected to download the full RFQ package from OXFAM