Consultant for the Final Evaluation of Al Bawsalah Project Job Ref. S/STC/0811/SUD09

  • Contract
  • Full Time
  • Sudan

Website Save the Children



Young people in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region want to be active and influential members of a society that rarely includes them. 83 million adolescents live in MENA. Together with the MENA’s older cohort of youth, they constitute a large and diverse demographic of young people making MENA one of the most youthful populations in the world. Around 35 per cent of the population is between 10 and 24 years old, and 60 per cent is below the age of 30. The numbers of adolescents and youth in MENA are projected to reach 152 million in 2030 and 158 million in 2050. Young people in MENA are standing at the crossroads of major changes in their countries. Supporting young people, especially the most marginalized, is vital. Legal frameworks, institutions and policies, as well as the wider society, have to adjust in order to give young people a greater voice in shaping better policy outcomes and society at large. We can look at young people as a challenge, a burden or a threat or we can look at them as an asset, unlocked potential and opportunities for growth and prosperity. This 4-year long program (2018-2021) funded by DANIDA recognizes young people’s agency and committed to support them by removing the systematic barriers to their meaningful participation. The overall Objective of the programme is that young People are listened to and have equitable choices in a protective environment realized through strengthened civil society actors and regional platforms.

Through this regional programme, Save the Children is committed to reaching out to the most marginalized groups of young people and to partner with the hard to reach in order to amplify their voices, to protect and support their participation in influencing key policies that affect their lives. The programme is managed through Save the Children regional office in coordination with Save the Children’s Country Offices. The programme is currently operating in Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and Yemen, and at regional level, through partnership with youth – led and youth focused partners.

This programme undertook a reflection exercise in 2019 that critically assessed the assumptions of the programme, its progress and implementation approaches. This reflection exercise resulted in updating the programme’s Theory of Change (ToC) and its logframe. Save the Children is looking for an expert consultant to conduct the final evaluation of the programme that would build on the findings of the reflection exercise, assess the final results of the programme impact and outcomes, and to look critically at its approaches and intervention models through the implementation of the OECD DAC Criteria for evaluations.

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How to apply
The consultant is required to adhere to the Save the Children Child Safeguarding; Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; Anti-Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying; and Data Protection and Privacy policies throughout all project activities.

Submission will only be considered on ProSave (SAP ARIBA)
For registration on prosave please contact: (any Proposal sent to the above email will be neglected).

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